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Rise From The Ashes
Soar To Financial Freedom

At CPN Partners We Offer Programs To Take Back Your Life And Get A Second Chance At Credit

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What is a CPN?

A C.P.N. (Credit Privacy Number) is a private number that can help you re-establish credit. It is a 9 digit number that is fully tri-merged with the Social Security Administration. You need a new address, email address and telephone number. It's like having a whole new credit profile and starting over with zero credit and history. You cannot get any government based loans, or buy a house with your CPN/SCN number. However you can rebuild credit, rent an apartment, get a car loan, a personal loan and start up a business to have the life you really want.

Guy holding phone in one hand and credit card in another with green border and a cellphone sized white rectangle that says credit score and a gauge and the number 770

Credit Repair

If you hire our firm to do the credit repair work for you (We believe it is a smart investment in your future), then you are entrusting your credit to a professional organization with a track record of success. If you want to improve your credit score then you have come to the right place – we WILL help you obtain a good credit score fast!

CPN Partner

Become a Partner

Do you want to earn six figures owning a CPN (credit profile number) and Credit Repair business right now? We will teach you everything you need to know, provide a first-class custom website & give you the best wholesale prices in the industry so you can start making money in a day or in a week...It's Your Choice!!!

You will be in business FOR yourself but NOT by yourself.


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